maandag 18 juni 2012

1 Year Filled With Love ^_^

My super sweet adorable warm bunny^^
Happy first anniversary! :D It’s been a while since we used this blog, but this time, it’s the right moment to use it again^^ During this year, we had some big and small fights, serious moments too, but after every time, we always decided to stay together, and our relationship became better after every serious time :D Maybe sometimes, I gave you a wrong impression, but please don’t misunderstand! You are my greatest love, the love of my life, my pretty bunny, my everything <3 Ever since our first talk, I could feel you would become very special to me. Some people might think it’s strange to fall in love after just chatting, but I don’t care :P And last year, when we finally met, I just knew you were the one for me^^ Your shy emotions, your beautiful long blue dress, your sweet presents, your long talks, I never forget it! And since that first moment, we made soooooo many daebak memories together! Even when I left Korea, we never lost contact, and with our iPods, we already saw each other many times, and we could still always smile, just like we promised with our N Tower lock^^ Just when I think about your jaguar song, or about your cosmetics reactions, there is already a big smile on my face :D But soon, we will not need iPods anymore~ Because we can finally meet again! We don’t know where yet, but I really don’t care ;) I just want to hold you again in my branch arms^^ Because I love you, and I care about you the most :)  It’s too bad we can’t be together to celebrate our first year, but I’m sure we can celebrate it together soon! And we can always celebrate our second, third, fourth, fifth years together, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera ^_^ I adore you my bunny! It’s an honor to be your boyfriend :D

All the love I have goes to you, my bunny beauty!
From your polar bear <3

2011: The year when one small bunny made two people fall in love^^

2012: The year when those two people celebrate their 1 year together and will have a daebak time again soon^^

woensdag 19 oktober 2011

4 months :D

Time goes so fast^^ We are now a couple for 4 months already :) The last 4 months were the best months of my life! And every day, I learn more about you. At first, I thought you were just a Miffy girl, but there are sooooo many sides of you I don't know yet! You're so interesting to me, and I will never stop talking, because I want to know everything about you ^_^

Your exams will start soon, and you will have less time to talk T_T I'm sure you will be very nervous and tired, but I'm sure you will be fine ;) I will just wait for you and support you all the time until you are done! I want to make you happy because you make me sooooo happy too. Let's make many Holland and Europe plans for next year! I will do my best to make all your dreams come true. You deserve it, my classy bunny ^^ Even when the distance between us is big, our hearts are still close to each other. Distance can't break us, because we are a strong wonderful couple :-*

I love you honey. I can't imagine a life without you anymore, since you appeared in my life, everything became better :D

dinsdag 27 september 2011

100 Days of Love

I want make a new friend ^^
Do you have a facebook id?'

With those words, you added me on December 29th on Hanlingo. At first, we were only Facebook friends, and we didn't talk much, but after a while, we started talking, and from the first time, I thought: wow, it's so much fun to talk with her! When we started talking, we never stopped. :) At first, I was hiding my real feelings, but you already knew for a longtime that I really liked you, and eventually, your words made me fall in love ^^ Maybe it's strange to fall in love after only talks, but we don't care. :) We love each other because of our personalities the most ^_^ And when we met this summer, I could finally see how beautiful you are :D I love you bunny, inside and outside, forever! Don't ever change!

Our relationship started before our first date, but so what~ ;) For the last 100 days, I have been the happiest man in the world, so I want to thank you^^ You make my life complete, I can't imagine a day without you. We can't be together now, but eventually, we will be together, I believe in it! You are my soulmate, my best friend and the best girl I ever met. My love for you will never stop! I can't wait until we can celebrate 200 days, 300 days, 400 days, etc^^ We locked our love in Korea, so it can't stop, it can't escape :D I will count down the days until you finally can burrow in my long arms again^^

maandag 19 september 2011

3 months in love ^_^

Happy anniversary bunny :-* We are a couple for 3 months now, and I loved every minute of it! I know we only met 15 times, but our fun talks never stop, even when we are 8500 km apart :) Time goes so fast, and before you know it, I will see you again and give you a big bear hug :) I love you bunny, you are the best thing that ever happened to me! Thank you for giving me the best time of my life, cheering me up and making me laugh. You truly made me happy ^_^ You're a wonderful girl, I never met someone like you! We come from different places, look different and have different cultures, but when we are together, it doesn't matter :) Because inside, we are the same :-*

dinsdag 30 augustus 2011

Because you're amazing, just the way you are ♥

Bruno Mars sounds just like me :P I hope that some day, you will believe my real thoughts and agree with my words ^_^ You're beautiful, bunny, inside and outside!

zondag 7 augustus 2011

50 Days ♥

Hi bunny ^_^ We have now been a couple for 50 days!!! Can you believe it? Time goes so fast! I am still happy that we love each other so much, you really know and understand me, and for me, you are my perfect dream girl, and I never want to lose you. You made my life so much better! It's too bad we can't meet today to celebrate, but we will meet again soon and then we will celebrate, eat delicious food, go to nice places together and have a perfect time again :) 50 days is not the end, it's just the small beginning of a looooooong time together :D

vrijdag 29 juli 2011

Happy birthday bunny!

I am happy that I could give you a really good birthday^^ I hope you liked all the presents! I want that every next birthday is a special day for you, and I will do my best to make that happen. I want to be the best boyfriend that you ever had :P Never forget our moments together!